Minggu, Januari 24, 2010

try out pertama

yup it is!! the first try out will be held on monday til wednesday... tomorrow!! ahaa!! and guess what?? i'm not ready yet... belum ada persiapan nih buat menghadapi TO besok. ga berasa sensasinya. tapi gue ga boleh gagal dalam TO besok. gue harus berusaha sekeras mungkin. *agak banyak cakap! ** oh iya, hari ini my sissy's birthday! happy birthday, sis!! stich, di saat ntar pada makan2 or something gue harus belajar buat besok?? aargh...jadi siswi kelas 3 SMA emang bikin pusing!!! ** jadwal TO besok:
  • b.indonesia
  • biologi

Jumat, Januari 15, 2010


i'm sorry for didn't pay attention to you, my dearest!!! udah lama banget gue nggak nge-blog. huff... habis banyak problem and ada something yang bikin gue nggak bisa nge-blog kemaren - kemaren itu!! tau - tau sekarang udah 2010 aja!!! it's a must di 2010 ini:
  • pass final exam with expert score
  • beeing a medico
i've promised to proud my parents. especially my dearest mom!! i really have to prove my promise to her!! look my mom, i'll be the the great doctor as your dream!! Amiin...